In around two weeks I will be flying off to South Korea for 6 months to study. I have been dreaming about this for so long, it's crazy that it's actually happening. I finally get to go abroad alone for a long extended of time and experience a different culture. Granted, I do know a lot about the Korean culture already, but I am excited to learn even more about the culture and the country. Let's not forget about the food; I'm sure I'm going to be gaining some weight while during my stay.
This will be the third time that I visit South Korea. My first time was many many years ago, and I was on a terrible tour with a ridiculous tour guide that didn't show us anything. My second time was actually just last summer. I went alone to visit some of my friends and had an absolute blast! During my last trip, I took many photos but never got around to uploading them anywhere. Now that it's getting close to my third trip to South Korea, I thought it was fitting to share them with you now! Here are just a few of the shots that I took in the summer of 2014 in South Korea.
Concave road mirrors means outfit of the day picture |
Cute Shit |
Bubble Show at 11 pm |
Because I like pigs |
경복궁 |
Some Greenery |
Creep |
GangstKr |
National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul |
Because we need this in America |
"Hella Corny, but hey Yong likes this kinda shit, so what the hell.."
I'm literally counting down the days until I get on that plane to South Korea. 11 days. I seriously cannot wait! I can't wait to eat all the chicken, BBQ, noodles, rice, icecream, etc. that I want and I also can't wait to reunite with some special peeps in Korea! I have made a promise to myself that I will actively be blogging during my stay. There will hopefully be a variety of blog posts about my experiences. I will also be vlogging while I'm there so if you're into the whole YouTube vlogging watching thingy, check out my channel.
p.s. if you would like to see my trip in video form, here's a fun little video I made last year.
from Jackie
omg are you that one girl from dalhae? you're so cool!