Chicago 2015

Last week me and my cousins took a quick trip to Chicago and it was so fun! 
Although all three of us had never faced such cold weather, I think we still a great time. I (stupidly) decided to go to Chicago during January's winter because tickets were so cheap and we all wanted to go on a quick vacation before school and work. We landed in Chicago on Wednesday night and left Saturday night so we had around three full days to see the city.

Like I mentioned,  all of us had never been in such cold weather before and we really did not know what to expect. It was quite the experience and I don't think we will be revisiting Chicago in winter ever again. We had heard Chicago was a great walking city, but all of us were such wimps that we just kept catching taxis everywhere. Hopefully the next time we visit again we can actually walk more places and not have to be bundled up so much. Speaking of bundled up, the key to living in such cold weather is definitely layering. I think the most layers I wore during the trip was five layers. However, sometimes I did feel silly because when we got to our destinations we would all have to un-layer and it always took forever. When I looked around at the native Chicagoans, they didn't seem to have the same problem as us. I think this is partially because they are obviously more use to the cold weather and because they are smarter about their layers. They must know what works and what doesn't. We had no ideas and that is why we looked like fat stiff marshmallows walking around. 

Anyways, it was a great quick trip and the city was very fun and interesting. I hope to visit again and go to more places because we definitely did not go to all the places that I wanted to visit! 
Here are a few photos that I snapped during the trip: 

from Jackie 

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