My newest obsession is with oatmeal. Yes, oatmeal.
I never realized how delicious oatmeal was until a week ago. I saw an artistic picture of oatmeal on instagram and suddenly had the urge to look into oatmeal. I had seen my dad eat oatmeal for years, but the way he ate it was just so unappealing to me. Everyone likes their oatmeal a certain way, and the way my dad liked it was not the way I did. My dad is more into savory oatmeal, while I much more prefer sweet.
Knowing that oatmeal is a great breakfast option and since I'm trying to cut back on snacking between breakfast and lunch, I decided to try to eat oatmeal daily. I had oatmeal and banana once or twice before, but I was never hooked. This was until my cousin, Ann Mai from The Broccoli Bulletin, suggested that I add cinnamon. I cannot tell you what a big difference such a small amount of spice can do for you. Cinnamon totally changed my oatmeal game. The smell of cinnamon makes me so happy and warm inside. Adding the cinnamon to my oatmeal and banana has made this combination my ultimate favorite breakfast. Now everyone morning I wake up craving oatmeal and I even wake up earlier just to eat it. As for now, I am eating the old fashioned quaker oats because that is what my dad eats. However, I am looking into trying other brands!
Along with my oatmeal, I like to have a nice hot cup of green tea. Green tea has a ton of hidden benefits that help your health and skin, so why not drink it? I love the taste of green tea and the hot temperature just wakes me up in the morning and makes me feel refreshed. I usually drink organic green tea with no sugar or honey added simply because I like the taste.
This is a great breakfast choice if you want to stay full until lunch and stop yourself from doing any unnecessary snacking. Before, I would not eat breakfast or if I did, I just had some cereal or fruit. However, those options never filled me up and had me hungry again after 30 minutes. Oatmeal is also really healthy and good for you. It has high levels of fiber and protein. Although I do not have high cholesterol, it's nice to know that oatmeal does help with lowering cholesterol level (if that were to ever become a problem). If you haven't already, give this super easy and fast breakfast a try!
p.s. here's an awesome vanilla overnight oatmeal recipe from Ann Mai! Will be trying this very soon!
from Jackie
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